Wigan Area Code: 01942

The UK telephone area code for the metropolitan borough & town of Wigan is 01942.

If you would like to contact a person or business in the Greater Manchester town of Wigan please dial 01942 followed by the last six digits of the UK phone number you wish to dial. Likewise if you have received a call from an unknown number which starts with 01942 then it is almost certainly from a phone registered to the Wigan area.

Full list of UK localities using the 01942 (Wigan) area code

Ashton-in-Makerfield Hindley Westhoughton
Aspull Leigh Wigan
Atherton Orrell
Blackrod Platt Bridge

How to call Wigan (01942) phone numbers from abroad

When calling a Wigan phone number from abroad you should remove the initial zero ‘0’ from the 01942 area code which leaves you with 1942. You should then replace this zero with the UK’s international dialing code which is +44 thus effectively giving you a new international area code for Wigan: +44 1942. Therefore if you wanted to call Wigan Athletic Football Club from overseas using their UK phone number 01942 774 000 you should instead dial +44 1942 774 000.

Cost of calling an 01942 (Wigan) phone number

Calling Wigan using their 01942 telephone area code will cost you no more than calling any other local (01 & 02) UK number. Therefore calling an 01942 phone number from a landline will cost you a per-minute fee that depends on exactly what time & day you are calling it on plus a set call access charge that is determined by your provider. Calling a Wigan number from a mobile will effectively be free of charge if you have free minutes included as part of your tariff as these will be used to make the call instead of incurring a monetary fee. However if you do not use these minutes you should be aware that calling Wigan from a mobile will usually cost more than making the equivalent call from a landline.

Some popular Wigan general enquiries phone numbers

Calls from a number that starts with 01942 are generally well-received throughout the UK and are particularly well-regarded in the local Wigan area compared to national 03 and 08 numbers. This is because national numbers such as 03 & 08 numbers are non-geographic and such can potentially be used by companies which use cold-calling sales tactics and therefore do not want their operations traced to a specific locality. Some genuine general enquiries phone numbers for popular attractions in Wigan have been provided below to help you whilst exploring the town.

  • 01942 774 000 – This is the general enquiries phone number for Wigan Athletic Football Club, which plays in the higher divisions of English football.
  • 01942 828 128 – This is the general enquiries phone number for the Museum of Wigan Life which houses a range of exhibits detailing the local history of the area, including relics from sport and both world wars.
  • 01942 290 992 – This is the booking & general enquiries helpline for Three Sisters Race Circuit, where you can book a go-kart session or driving experience.

Welcome to Wigan

Wigan is a town in North-West England with one of the proudest industrial histories in the country, formerly being a centre of clock-making, porcelain, milling and coal mining. Nowadays the town is a bustling commercial centre punctuated with picturesque parks and cultural hotspots, such as the Museum of Wigan Life which houses historical artifacts and locally-produced artworks. The town is also host to Wigan Warriers, who are the most successful Rugby League team of all time and Wigan Athletic Football club who compete in the top divisions of English football.