The 01628 telephone area code is the default prefix for all phone numbers registered to Maidenhead, an affluent town in Berkshire, England.
Phone numbers which are registered to the Maidenhead area almost always start with the 01628 prefix, therefore if you want to call a person or business in Maidenhead you should first dial 01628 and then the remaining six digits of the number you want to call. Likewise if you have received a call from a phone number that starts with 01628 then chances are its registered to an address in Maidenhead.
Locations that use the 01628 Area Code
- Bourne End
- Maidenhead
- Burnham
- Marlow
- Littlewick Green
Cost of Calling 01628 (Maidenhead) Phone Numbers
Calling an 01628 phone number will cost you the same amount as making an equivalent call to any other UK local phone number which begins in 01 or 02, as these are charged at the exact same rate. Calling a Maidenhead phone number will therefore cost you a set call-access fee plus a per-minute rate that changes depending on what time and day you make the call, at peak times this will be approximately 12p per minute. Calling 01628 phone numbers from a mobile will usually be more expensive than making an equivalent landline-landline call to Maidenhead unless you use free minutes that are included as part of your tariff, in which case these will be used to make the call thus making it effectively free of charge.
How to Call Maidenhead Phone Numbers from Abroad
Calling a Maidenhead phone number from overseas is a simple task and the steps you use to call an 01628 phone number can be used for any UK local number. The first of these steps is to remove the zero ‘0‘ from the 01628 area code, leaving you with 1625. You should then replace this zero with the UK’s official dialing code which is +44, giving you +44625, and with that you’re ready to dial the remaining six digits of the full Maidenhead phone number. Therefore if you wanted to contact Maidenhead Heritage Centre from abroad on their 01628 780 555 phone number you would instead dial+441628 780 555.
Some Helpful Maidenhead Phone Numbers
Phone calls from numbers starting with the 01628 area code are generally relieved positively around the UK and particularly so in the Maidenhead area, as they are almost inevitably registered to a person or business address in the area, as opposed to national 03 and 08 phone numbers which may be harder to trace and thus are potentially used by cold-calling sales teams. Please examine the list below for a few examples of helpful general enquiries phone numbers of Maidenhead attractions.
- 01628 780 555 – This is the general enquiries phone number for Maidenhead Heritage Centre, which outlines the history of the town and its importance to the local area, you can even use their state-of-the-art Spitfire simulator!
- 01628 788 997 – This is the box office & general enquiries phone number for the Norden Farm Centre of the Arts, which is a multi-use arts venue which houses a studio and a theatre.
- 01628 685 333 – This is the general enquiries phone number for Magnet, the largest leisure centre in Maidenhead with a 25m swimming pool and a large gymnasium.
Welcome to Maidenhead
Maidenhead is a large and picturesque UK town situated in Berkshire, near Windsor. The town’s proximity to London make it a popular place to live due to its short commute, and tourists are also welcomed as it offers a quieter experience compared to the bustle of a city trip. The town has a leisure centre, a wonderful museum with a marvelous Spitfire simulator as well as an award-winning arts venue.