The UK market town of Macclesfield uses the telephone area code 01625
Phone numbers that start with the 01625 telephone area code are almost always registered to the town of Macclesfield, located in the county of Cheshire, England. Therefore if you need to call a person or business in the town you should dial 01625 followed by the remaining six digits of the phone number you need to call, and similarly if you have received a call from a number that starts in 01625 it is highly likely it is from an address in the Macclesfield area.
All the Macclesfield localities that use the 01625 area code
Alderley Edge | Macclesfield | Wilmslow |
Bollington | Poynton | |
Chelford | Prestbury |
How to make an international phone call to Macclesfield
It is a simple and easy process to call an 01625 phone number, or indeed any UK local number, from outside the UK. The first stage calling Macclesfield from overseas is to remove the zero ‘0‘ from the start of the 01625 area code, thus leaving you with 1625. You should then replace the zero you took away with the international dialing code for the United Kingdom which is ‘+44‘. Therefore if for example you wanted to call the Macclesfield Silk Museum’s phone number 01625 612 045 from outside the UK you would instead dial +441625 612 045.
Cost of calling 01625 phone numbers
Calls to Macclesfield using its default 01625 prefix are charged at identical rates as calls to other 01 and 02 phone numbers. Calling an 01625 phone number will therefore cost you set call-access charge plus an additional per-minute fee that varies depending on the time and day you make the call. Calling Macclesfield-based phone numbers will be free from a mobile phone provided you use any free inclusive minutes that are part of your contract, please check with your provider for the call cost information relevant to your tariff as mobile calls made to Macclesfield without using free minutes will usually cost more than equivalent landline-only calls.
A few popular Macclesfield phone numbers
01625 phone numbers are generally well-received throughout the UK and are particularly liked in the local Macclesfield area as the 01625 prefix is the default telephone area code for that area, so if a business or person has a number using this prefix it is most likely traceable to the Macclesfield area. This contrasts with national 03 and 08 numbers which may be charged at higher rates or used by companies which use unscrupulous sales tactics. Some examples of famous Macclesfield attractions have been provided for your convenience here, helping you make the most of your day out in the Cheshire town.
- 01625 612 045 – This is the general enquiries phone number for Macclesfield Silk Museum which details the town’s rich industrial history and particularly its links to the textiles industry.
- 01625 861 221 – This is the general enquiries phone number for Capesthorne Hall, a grand country manor & landscaped gardens that you can visit as a member of the general public or book for a business function or wedding.
- 01625 264 686 – This is the main phone number for Macclesfield Town football club, a fiercely proud and competitive football league club.
Visit Macclesfield
Macclesfield is an affluent market town in the UK county of Cheshire. The town has a strong history in the textiles industry and was once the largest global producer of finished silk, links which are commemorated in the Macclesfield Silk Museum. The town is picturesque and is book-ended by the Cheshire Plain to the West and the hills of the Peak District to the East. Although it is a fairly quiet town, there are plenty of shops, restaurants and cafés dotted around and with the aforementioned proximity of the Peak District National Park, it is well worth considering Macclesfield for your relaxing UK holiday.