Lincoln Area Code: 01522

01522 is the UK telephone area code for the Lincolnshire cathedral city of Lincoln.

The cathedral city of Lincoln is the official county town of Lincolnshire, to call anyone with a landline telephone registered in the city you must first dial their UK area code 01522 followed by the last 6 digits of the full phone number. This is the same for both incoming and outgoing calls so if you have been called by a personal or business number which starts with 01522 it is highly likely to be registered in the Lincoln area.

Cost of calling an 01522 area code number

Calls to any UK landline telephone which uses an 01 or 02 local area code are charged at identical rates, therefore calling a Lincoln phone number using their 01522 prefix will cost no more than phoning your friends or relatives. You can even call these numbers for free if you have any inclusive minutes remaining on your landline or mobile tariff, alternatively you will pay a per-minute fee and an access charge which are both determined by your provider

How to dial a Lincoln phone number from abroad

Phoning a person or business in Lincoln from outside the UK is a simple process however a few modifications need to be made to their 01522 area code prefix to connect the call. Firstly you must remove the initial zero from the area code, you should then replace it with the UK’s international dialling code +44 leaving you with an effective international calling code for Lincoln: +441522. For example if you needed to contact Lincolnshire county council from overseas to discuss your council tax bill you would dial +441522 552 222 instead of their usual UK phone number 01522 552 222.

Famous examples of Lincoln contact numbers

A few examples of Lincoln phone numbers for popular attractions, local government bodies and museums are provided below for your convenience. Numbers which use an 01522 area code are generally more trusted in the local area and wider UK compared with national 03 as well as premium-rate numbers. This is because companies may use national helplines when making annoying sales calls to make them difficult to trace whereas numbers which start with 01522 are almost certainly registered to a physical address in Lincoln. However please be aware that you can register phone numbers from outside the usual UK area they are normally registered in so be cautious if it is an unknown 01522 number.

  • 01522 552 222 – This is the telephone number for Lincolnshire county council, therefore if you need to apply for social housing in the area you can call this helpline for advice, where you can also confirm council tax bands which apply to property in Lincoln.
  • 01522 782 040 – Call the Museum of Lincolnshire Life on their Lincoln phone number for directions, opening times and for further information about the local historical exhibits displayed in their collection.
  • 01522 561 600 – This telephone number is for Lincoln Cathedral which is one of the most architecturally-unique buildings in the UK, it was also the tallest building in the world for a period of 238 years.

Districts & localities in Lincoln using the 01522 area code

Bassingham North Hykeham Sudbrooke Park
Birchwood Saxilby Swinderby
Lincoln Scampton Waddington
Navenby Spalford Washingborough

Explore Lincoln

Lincoln is a popular tourist destination within England and the rest of the UK because of the city’s rich history, stunning architecture and shopping areas. The city is home to Lincoln Cathedral which was formerly the tallest building in the world and has been described by some as the “finest” example of architecture in the whole country. Furthermore you can find a beautifully-preserved castle within the city which still functions as a jail and courthouse. This history is well documented in the Museum of Lincolnshire Life which has over 250000 items collection detailing the ancient and modern histories of the area.