01422 is the UK telephone area code for the West Yorkshire town of Halifax.
UK phone numbers which use the 01422 prefix are registered to the West Yorkshire town of Halifax and the surrounding area. 01422 is the default telephone area code for all local phone numbers registered in Halifax, so if you want to call a person or business in Halifax you should dial 01422 followed by the remaining six digits of the full UK phone number, and similarly if you have received a phone call from a number registered in Halifax then it will most likely start with the 01422 area code.
All areas covered by the 01422 (Halifax) area code
Calder Valley | Hebden Bridge | Mytholmroyd |
Elland | Hipperholme | Ripponden |
Halifax | Illingworth | Sowerby Bridge |
Calling Halifax (01422) phone numbers from abroad
Calling Halifax phone numbers from abroad using their 01422 area code is a simple and easy process which you can easily replicate for calling all other UK local phone numbers from overseas. The first step in making an international call to Halifax phone numbers is to remove the initial zero from the 01422 area code, leaving you with 1422. You should then replace this zero you have removed from the Halifax area code with the international dial-in code for the United Kingdom which is +44. Therefore if for example you wanted to call the Halifax Square Chapel Centre for the Arts from outside the UK using their 01422 349 422 phone number you would instead dial: +44 1422 349 422.
Call costs to 01422 (Halifax) phone numbers
Calls to 01422 phone numbers in Halifax are charged at the exact same rate as calls to other UK local 01 and 02 area code phone numbers. Calling 01422 phone numbers from a landline will therefore cost you a variable per-minute fee plus a standard call setup fee that is set by your landline provider. Calling a Halifax 01422 phone number from a mobile will be free of charge if you use your free inclusive minutes that are part of your mobile contract, tariff or rewards package. Please check with your mobile for full details about call costs to 01422 phone numbers as mobile calls to Halifax will normally cost significantly more than equivalent landline calls to Halifax if you do not use your free mobile minutes.
Some popular Halifax (01422) general enquiries phone numbers
Phone numbers in Halifax which use the 01422 area code are well-liked within the local area and are generally more widely respected throughout the UK than nationally-registered 03 and 08 phone numbers. This is because nationally-registered phone numbers are more likely to be used by national sales teams which may use unwanted call tactics, whereas 01422 phone numbers are registered to local people and businesses in the Halifax area. Some examples of popular general enquiries phone numbers for famous Halifax attractions can be found here:
- 01422 349 422 – This is the general enquiries phone number for Square Chapel Centre for the Arts which is a vibrant arts venue in Halifax that shows an eclectic mix of live music, theatre, comedy gigs, films and family-oriented shows.
- 01422 330 069 – This is the general enquiries phone number for Eureka! The National Children’s Museum which is an interactive educational museum in Halifax for families with children aged 0-11.
- 01422 351 158 – This is the box office phone number for the Victoria Theatre in Halifax which hosts a variety of shows, including comedy performances, plays and music concerts.
Welcome to Halifax, Yorkshire
Halifax is one of the most picturesque towns in West Yorkshire, England, with a splendid Victorian townscape that has changed little over the years. The Grade II listed Town Hall, Halifax Minster and Piece Hall, which is the only remaining cloth hall in the UK, are fine examples of architecture within Halifax. Halifax also has a number of theatres and art venues such as the Square Chapel Centre for the Arts and Victoria Theatre, showing comedy gigs, live musical performances and plays right in the heart of Halifax. Eureka! The National Children’s Museum is also based in Halifax, perfect for families with young children. Halifax is also ideal for shoppers, with a host of independent and popular chain stores housed in shopping centres and department stores.