The telephone area code for the large coastal resort town of Bournemouth is 01202.
Phone numbers which start with the 01202 area code belong to people, offices, businesses, and attractions based in the South Coast resort town of Bournemouth. This is because the default prefix for all telephone numbers registered in Bournemouth is 01202. Therefore to make a call to Bournemouth you should first dial 01202, followed by the remaining 6 digits of the number you wish to phone.
Full list of area & localities covered by the 01202 area code
Boscombe | Ferndown | Southbourne |
Bournemouth | Lytchett Minster | Verwood |
Broadstone | Northbourne | Westbourne |
Canford Cliffs | Parkstone | Wimborne Minster |
Christchurch | Poole | Winton |
Cost of calling 01202 (Bournemouth) phone numbers
Calls made to 01202 phone numbers are charged at the same per minute rate as all other calls to 01 or 02 local numbers. Therefore calls will generally cost around 12p per minute maximum, as well as a standard call set-up charge. Calls made from mobiles will be free if you are using any free inclusive minutes that are included as part of your mobile tariff, however please check with your network provider as calls to Bournemouth made from mobiles can cost considerably more than landline calls if you aren’t using these those free minutes.
Some famous Bournemouth (01202) phone numbers
Residents & businesses within Bournemouth and the rest of the UK are more likely to trust 01202 numbers than national 03 or 08 phone numbers, this is because local numbers are registered to local people & companies and are therefore less likely to be cold-calling salesmen. Some examples of helpful and popular phone numbers are provided for you here.
- 01202 726 373 – This is the general enquiries phone number for AFC Bournemouth, a high-ranking English football club.
- 01202 451 451 – Contact Bournemouth Borough Council by calling this switchboard phone number.
- 01202 983 983 – Phone Bournemouth Pier on this number for general enquiries or to book a PIERZIP pier to shore zip wire ride.
How to phone Bournemouth from abroad
Calling all local phone numbers, which include Bournemouth-based 01202 numbers, from abroad is an easy process to follow. The first simple step in calling Bournemouth from outside the UK is to remove the initial zero ‘0‘ from the full UK phone number you wish to call. You should then replace this zero with the international dialling code for the United Kingdom ‘+44‘. So if for example you wanted to phone AFC Bournemouth, 01202 726 373, from overseas you should instead dial +44 1202 726 373.
Visiting Bournemouth
Bournemouth is a large town situated right on the South Coast of England. Boasting an award-winning stretch of beautifully sandy beaches found right in the town, as well as nearby beaches in Poole and the rest of Dorset, Bournemouth is an ideal location for surfers, wind surfers, and beach-explorers. These beaches, coupled with the fact that Bournemouth is situated right on the edge of the stunning New Forest National Park, make the town the perfect location for sightseers & walkers. You’d be forgiven for thinking the town itself wouldn’t have anything to offer compared to these wonderful landscapes, however Bournemouth itself is a vibrant and cosmopolitan location. The town has a vivacious nightlife as well as a huge range of restaurants offering sumptuous cuisine. Bournemouth also regularly hosts free arts, music and drama festivals, making Bournemouth the ideal town visit.