01204 is the UK telephone area code to use for phone calls to Bolton, a town in Greater Manchester.
Phone numbers which start with the 01204 area code either belong to residents or to businesses in Bolton, a town in North-West England, UK. The 01204 prefix is assigned to all new phone numbers registered in Bolton by default, which is helpful if you want to contact a friend, family member or business situated in Bolton.
Full list of localities covered by the 01204 area code
The 01204 area code is used by these sub-districts within the Bolton area, as well by as the town itself:
Astley Bridge | Daubhill | Horwich |
Belmont Village | Farnworth | Tottington |
Bolton | Higher Bolton | Turton |
How to phone Bolton from outside the UK
Calling all UK local phone numbers, such as 01204 numbers, is a relatively simple and easy process for you to do. First you should remove the initial zero ‘0‘ from the full Bolton phone number, then replace this with the international dialling-in code for the UK, which is ‘+44‘. Therefore, for example if you wanted to call Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council from overseas, you would dial +44 1204 333 333 instead of dialling 01204 333 333.
Call charges to 01204 (Bolton) Phone Numbers
Phone calls to Bolton 01204 numbers are charged at the exact same rate as calls to all other UK local 01 & 02 area code phone numbers. Therefore if you are calling Bolton from a BT landline then calls will cost approximately 12p per minute maximum, plus a call access charge determined by your provider. Calls to 01204 phone numbers from a mobile will be free if you are using your free inclusive minutes that are part of your tariff, rewards package or bundle. Please check with your network provider for full details about your tariff as mobile calls to Bolton can cost more than landline to landline calls if you don’t use these minutes.
Please be aware that calling Bolton phone numbers, and other UK numbers, from abroad will usually cost more than domestic UK calls, and that international calls made to 01204 phone numbers from mobiles & payphones will cost considerably more than the equivalent call from an overseas landline.
Examples of popular Bolton (01204) Phone Numbers
Phone numbers which use the 01204 prefix are generally viewed more favourably by Bolton residents and people in the rest of the UK than national 03, 08 or premium-rate phone numbers, as 01204 numbers are registered to locations within Bolton, meaning they are less likely to be used by national salesmen or companies that employ cold-calling tactics. A few famous phone numbers for businesses and local government contacts are provided here for your convenience.
- 01204 333 333 – This is the general enquiries switchboard contact number for Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council, the main local government body in the Bolton area.
- 01204 673 673 – Contact Bolton Wanderers Football Club, a high-level English football club, on this customer service number.
- 01204 846 490 – This is the customer service phone number for Bolton Steam Museum, which houses the largest collection of working steam mill engines in the UK.
- 01204 529 407 – This is the general enquiries phone number for the Octagon Theatre in Bolton, a well-renowned producing theatre.
A brief summary of Bolton
Bolton is a town in the Greater Manchester area of North-West England, UK. Bolton has a strong industrial heritage, particularly in terms of the textiles industry. In the 19th and early 20th century Bolton was one of the largest cotton-spinning centres in the world. This heritage is commemorated by the Bolton Steam Museum, which houses the largest collection of function steam mill engines in the UK, and potentially the largest collection in the world. Bolton is also an emerging cultural town, for example the town is the location of the modern Octagon Theatre, which produces original theatrical works, as well as the award-winning Bolton Little Theatre. Bolton’s cultural scene is matched perfectly with a range of fine restaurants, cafés, bars and hotel accommodation, which makes the town a wonderful UK location to visit.